Sunday, October 07, 2007

Using Git with Google Code Hosting

Update July 18 2011: Since I wrote this post, Google have added native Git support to their code hosting.

The open source hosting at Google Code uses Subversion as its source code management system. The advantages of Subversion are:
  • Easy to use - it is conceptually straight forward
  • Simple UI - commit, diff, ls and so on are all familiar
  • Multi platform clients - svn, TortoiseSVN, Eclipse plugins, etc
The main disadvantages of Subversion are:
  • Merging requires lots of user input
  • Online access required for committing or doing history diffs
These disadvantages can be overcome using git, and in particular git-svn. However, git undoes at least one of subversion's advantages as it is Linux only. There is a Windows port available, but this guide was written with a Linux user in mind. Git may also be labelled "difficult to use" but it has a graphical interface that is pretty straight forward, and its cross-branch merge options are much better than subversion.

So here is my guide on using git with Google Code. This assumes two things: first that you are familiar with subversion and its usage, and second that you are not publishing your git repository online. Instead we will use the Google Code hosting service as a kind of back-up for the code base and use git-svn as a subversion client. That means that you will eventually push all your commits to the subversion repository. Despite what Linus said in his talk about SCM I trust Google to make better backups of my code than I do, especially after my hard drive failure.

Checking out the repository and making a change.

You will need to install the latest version of git. This guide was written using version 1.5.3 - remember to install the man pages too. After installing, we need to create our local repository. Unlike a svn checkout, which is a snapshot of the latest version in the repository, a git "checkout" contains the whole history of the project. This first step therefore takes a while. I'll refer to the repository as $SVNREP - as if I'd done this first:

export SVNREP=https://<project>
So to create the git repository with the history of our branches and tags you would use this line:
git-svn clone $SVNREP -T trunk -b branches -t tags
(The -T, -b, -t flags can be replaced by "-s" if you use the svn standard branches and tags directories). For my repository of 350+ commits this step took about 10-15 minutes. This creates a directory "svn" (the last path-component of $SVNREP) with the subversion trunk checked out. It's worth noting that git uses master instead of trunk - by default git-svn will checkout your working copy of the master branch, which will probably be the svn trunk. However if the last subversion commit was to a different svn branch then master will point to that branch. To see all the branches available use:
$ git branch -a
* master
... etc ...
The * shows which branch you have checked out. (To get the coloured output use git config color.branch auto). Since git works locally, there is no separate workspace and repository - you "check out" to the current directory. This means that unlike subversion where you might have directories for "release-0.3" and "trunk", here you have just one and use:
$ git checkout ${branch-name}
to change between them. Okay, so now we have our trunk checked out. This is roughly where we would be had we done this with svn:
svn co $SVNREP/trunk
The branches that map directly to subversion can't be changed, instead we have to make a local branch. For example:
git checkout -b local/release-0.3 release-0.3
This is roughly the equivalent of
svn co $SVNREP/branches/release-0.3
cd release-0.3
If we want to make changes, then just hack away on our files. For example, in one of my projects I would do this:
$ cd bunjalloo
$ vi arm9/Main.cpp
hackity hack..
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add
<file>..." to update what will be committed)
# modified: bunjalloo/arm9/Main.cpp
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Note that the modified file is not relative to where we are (the current working directory) but relative to the top level of our repository. [Note that this has changed in later git releases, and is now more copy-paste friendly, showing files relative to the cwd]. The output of git status is different to svn status. A bit more chatty. This is to remind you that if you commit now, nothing will be committed! For a svn user this sounds odd, but can actually be a really handy feature. You have to either manually add files to be committed, or use commit -a to commit all modified files. Manually adding can even add by hunk - use git add -i - so you can commit only parts of a changed file if you like. Anyway, to commit this change either:
git commit -a
or add the file to the index and commit:

git add arm9/Main.cpp
git commit
Additionally, I use git commit -v which shows the changes in your editor's buffer for the commit message. I used to do this with subversion:
svn diff | less
<open a new terminal>
svn commit
to view the changes of what I was committing, so git's -v flag is a nice bonus.

This commit is only to our local repository remember. In order to push the change into the Google Code svn repository the following step is needed:
git svn dcommit
In order to see what is uncommitted to svn, use:
$ git svn dcommit -n
Committing to ...
diff-tree c531c~1 c531c
... etc ...
The dcommit -n trick also tells us to which svn branch the current git branch pushes its changes. So if I change to a different branch:
$ git svn dcommit -n
Committing to ...
diff-tree 5ef0~1 5ef0
.. then I can see where it is going to commit the changes. This step is the same as svn commit but git-svn automatically commits to our Google Code repository using the message that we gave in the previous local git commit step.

If someone else makes a change to the svn repository, then to get these changes use:
git svn rebase --all
Passing the --all flag will also pull any new branches. If you create the branch in git, then it would be completely local. So any changes made would be "lost" if you have a HD failure. One solution is to create the branch with svn, but handle the merges with git. My work flow is to create release branches from the trunk with subversion, then pull these into the git repository using the above command. That way my branches are backed up too. My git local branches are throw-away changes that either go into the trunk or get deleted after a few days.

So a new release would be:
svn cp $SVNREP/trunk $SVNREP/branches/release-0.1
git svn rebase --all
Note that "git-svn" and "git svn" are synonyms, it doesn't matter which we use. Sadly this step takes a while - at least as long as doing a complete "svn co" from the trunk, as the branch copy-from-svn does not appear to be cheap with git-svn. Regular, not-backed-up-on-googlecode branches in git are cheap, of course. Update: This has been fixed in newer ( versions, now git-svn realises that branches are copies and it takes very little time to create them.

One word of warning - don't use git-merge between your local/release* and master branches. It screws up the mapping of the git branches to svn branches. Merging only local branches is fine, but my advice is don't use git-merge and instead cherry pick the changes across from branch to branch. It is far safer.

For example, if we have $SVNREP/trunk and $SVNREP/branches/release-0.1, then in git we have created our local working branches as follows:
$ git branch -a
* local/release-0.1
To check where we are commiting to subversion, use:
git svn dcommit -n
this will say $SVNREP/branches/release-0.1 at the moment. If we do git merge master then it merges all the changes from master into local/release-0.1 but it also changes our commit branch to $SVNREP/trunk, which is not what we want.

Note that while svn update will pull new changes to your checked out copy even if you have local modifications, git will not allow you to do this. You have to have a "clean tree" as git calls it. If you have local changes, a "dirty tree" in git speak, then you can stash them away, pull the new changes from the subversion repository, then apply your stashed changes again. So to simulate svn update with local changes, use the following:
git stash
git svn rebase --all
git stash apply
Development and stable branches.

I mentioned cherry picking in the last section. This is where a change set is "picked" from one branch and merged into another. This is perfect for the usual development-stable branch model that most svn projects have. Normally all the changes go to /trunk, then when we make a release, we copy /trunk to /branches/release-NNN. Then carry on hacking on trunk. If someone finds a bug that is easy to fix (a one-liner, localised change, etc.) then we can make the change on the release branch knowing that it won't add all the instability that may exist on the trunk in its current state. Additionally, we merge the change onto the trunk so the next release has the fix too. With svn this is usually achieved as follows:
$ cd working-copy-of-trunk
$ svn merge -c 123 $SVNREP/branches/release-0.1 .
<patch changes from commit number 123 into working copy>
$ svn commit -m"Merged from r123 from branches/release-0.1 to trunk"
That is fine as long as all is well, but "svn merge" is little better than using "patch" - it handles adds and deletes, but if a file moves it just skips the change. Also, there is no way to see which changes have been merged from one branch to another - you have to do it manually or use the "svnmerge" script. Version 1.5 should fix this problem, but it won't fix the moved-file one, which is a common use case when refactoring code. And you need to have a network connection to perform any of this.

The git way is as follows. To see which changes have not been merged to the master (trunk) branch:
git cherry -v master
- sha1 <commit message>
- sha1 <commit message>
+ sha1 <commit message>
The '+' shows that the last commit has not been merged. '-' shows that it has. To merge the change across, use:
git cherry-pick <sha1>
If the file moved, that'll get picked up and the change applied to the new file name/location. One caveat is that git cherry may not pick up on applied patches to moved files, even though the original git cherry-pick patched the change correctly. Trying to cherry-pick again gives a conflict error and the old file name is re-added. Since this is a corner case, and is handled infinitely better than with subversion, I can live with it. EDIT: I couldn't live with it - so this script does pathless cherry checking.

Now, instead of all those command line options it would have been easier to use gitk. But explaining a GUI is tougher. This is what I usually do:
gitk --all
From here I choose the release branch - right click the branch, "Check out this branch". I make my change and test it. Assuming it works I'm ready to merge to the master branch. If I've added a test case, then first I'll cherry pick the test case across to the master branch - a couple of clicks in the GUI. Compile, test case fails. Then I cherry pick the fix across, compile, test case passes. Now I commit all that to subversion with git-svn dcommit and make a bug-fix release.

So summary time - equivalent svn/git commands

svn checkout $SVNREP/trunk ->
git svn clone $SVNREP -T trunk -b branches -t tags

svn checkout $SVNREP/branches/release-0.3 -
git checkout -b local/release-0.3 release-0.3

svn commit -
> git commit -a, or git add then
git commit followed by git-svn dcommit

svn diff|less, svn commit -
> git commit -v

svn merge -
> git cherry-pick or use "gitk --all"

svn status -
> git status

svn revert, --recursive -
> git checkout , git checkout -f or git reset --hard

svn diff -
> git diff

svn update -
> git svn rebase --all (see also git stash)
There are many more options with git - some of which are less useful when using Google Code and subversion in this way - and I haven't tried to cover everything here. Hopefully everything you need to start using git as an improved svn client is covered and it will at least give you a good start when reading the documentation.

Additional links:
Git crash course for SVN users
Good article, assumes you have used SVK


  1. git-svn clone $SVNREP -T trunk -b branches -t tags

    can be spelled as

    git-svn clone $SVNREP -s

  2. Does anyone know how to connect an existing git repository to an empty svn repository and push all the existing git versioning information into svn?

  3. I haven't been able to find a way to do it. I thought about creating a new branch that is from your empty svn repo, rebasing the git "master" onto the git-svn trunk, then dcommit-ing the changes. Something like

    cd /path/to/git-repo
    git svn clone http://your.svn.repo/ -s .
    git svn fetch
    git branch -a
    * master

    However, when you rebase master onto trunk, you lose your initial git master root commit! Nor can you cherry-pick a root commit onto a new branch based off the svn trunk. Neither is it possible to git format-patch the initial git import. Perhaps ask on the git mailing list?

  4. It may be a matter of creating the initial commit explicitly. Something like this:

    git checkout -b local [first_commit_id]
    git reset trunk
    git add .
    git commit -m "SVN import"

    Then rebase, as suggested by quirky:

    git rebase --onto local master
    git svn dcommit master

    The "local" branch could then be removed. I haven't tried this though.

  5. Yep, that's almost it.

    The problem is that the svn branch and the regular local or master branch are completely separate. In gitk, they look like this:

    o [master]

    o [remotes/trunk]

    i.e. there's no link between svn and git branches... so if you do Paul's steps, then after the git commit -m "SVN import" you have this:

    o master

    o [local]
    o [remotes/trunk]

    So now do these steps to commit local to trunk, rebase master onto the local branch using trunk as the upstream branch, then svn dcommit:

    git svn dcommit
    git rebase --onto local trunk master
    git checkout master
    git svn dcommit

    that seems to work, or it did here on a small test repo.

  6. Nice one :) I really do love Git!

  7. Hi guys,
    this looked really useful, so I tried it, but I'm having problems. The git rebase command blew up with unresolvable merge conflicts, which is totally baffling given that NO changes were made in any of the files.

    bash$ git rebase --onto local trunk master
    Switched to branch "master"
    First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
    HEAD is now at 1b06bad SVN import
    Applying clean up to allow it to work with multiple splice graphs simultaneously.
    error: patch failed: pygr/apps/
    error: pygr/apps/ patch does not apply
    error: does not exist in index
    Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
    Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
    Auto-merged pygr/apps/
    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in pygr/apps/
    CONFLICT (delete/modify): deleted in HEAD and modified in clean up to allow it to work with multiple splice graphs simultaneously.. Version clean up to allow it to work with multiple splice graphs simultaneously. of left in tree.
    Failed to merge in the changes.
    Patch failed at 0001.

    I looked at the merge file and saw that some large sections of duplicated code were inserted. This is all very puzzling. I am a git newcomer, and so far the experience is rather traumatic. Here's what I did, based on your instructions:

    git svn clone --username cjlee112 -s .
    git svn fetch
    git branch -a
    git checkout -b local
    git reset trunk
    git add .
    git commit -m 'SVN import'
    git svn dcommit
    git rebase --onto local trunk master

    Then everything blew up. I aborted the rebase, since this seems to be adding random garbage into my precious source code.

    Several questions / comments:
    1. Paul, what did you mean by "[first_commit_id]"? You didn't say. Normally brackets mean "optional", "not needed", and there was no indication what you meant by first_commit_id, so I left it off. Now I'm wondering if that mysterious ID was a crucial trick without which the whole procedure collapses. This witchcraft business is no fun.

    When I look at gitk, it shows me:
    o [master]

    o [local] -- o [remotes/trunk]
    o initial directory structure

    which seems different from what quirky drew. Is this an important difference? If it is, what can I do to fix all this?

    2. "git add .": this is a really bad idea, it turns out. This seems to have added all my object files, edited foo~ files, my entire temporary build/ directory etc. This really faked me out, because normal SCMs know not to add object files, ~ files etc. by default. Now I have to figure out whether the git svn interface is going to let me back out all of these damn unwanted files out of my Google Code SVN repository, placed there by the good graces of git add .

    Please, Gods of Git, help this unworthy, groveling newbie!!

  8. Hi Foobaron; the problem we were discussing here in these comments regarded how to connect an *existing* git repository to an empty SVN repository, which is a rather unusual thing to do.

    It sounds to me, since you mention being new to git, that you're looking to do the reverse: connect a new git repository on your machine to an existing SVN repository. To do that, I recommend the following link:

    If you're new to Git and need somewhere to host a public repository, you could try out

    If you are indeed interested in connected an existing git repo to an empty SVN repo, you were quite right --- the [first-commit-id] was the real magic. I apologise for the confusing notation. I guess I was thinking of BBCode or something :p What you want there is the SHA1 of the first commit (the initial commit) from master.

    Try to look up the manpages of the commands you're using to follow the logic. Understanding how git works is crucial if you need to do anything tricky like this.

  9. After chatting via email with foobaron (who really did have a git repo with years of history, which he wisely backed up before starting out on this adventure) it looks like this approach works *in theory*, we even managed to clean up the "git branch -b local" mistake, but *in practice* it is quite flaky.

    If the final "git svn dcommit" fails, which is possible (and happened to foobaron!) on large histories being sent to Google Code's somewhat hit-and-miss servers - fine for single commits, but not for lots and lots in succession - then you can be left in a state that has your master half cut off, history lost, and tears before bed time.

    So: this may work... but it isn't recommended! It'll lose author info and time stamps too. The best bet is probably to use a dedicated git host and move on.

  10. Actually Quirky is right when referring to successive commits. I have used it and fell into the same problem but I got saved by a practice of mine. I leave the trunk in master. Do all my developments in another branch (since git braches are blessings from god himself) and then before committing I do fetch+rebase+mege+dcommit. Commands would look like -

    git checkout work
    git checkout master
    git svn fetch
    git rebase master work
    git checkout master
    git merge work
    git svn dcommit

    If commit fails, just do -
    git revert master
    git rebase master work
    git checkout master
    git merge work
    git svn dcommit

    This practice of mine helped me on several occassion.

  11. Anonymous3:57 pm

    Interesting to know.


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